Marshall Goldsmith, the most well-known executive coach in the US, has fittingly named his book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”. Indeed, what got you here won’t get you there. It is hard to find ways to move forwards on your own. With me, you can face your issues outright, approach them from new angles and this will make going forwards easier for you. Therefore, I invite you to expand your perspectives and participate as a manager in 1:1 coaching sessions or come to a team coaching session with your whole team. The coaching is effective as we use various coaching methodologies and a full toolbox of exercises.
1:1 coaching and team coaching sessions are the most personal and successful learning methods for managers.
Cooperation typically lasts for six months and includes:
Being a coach myself and knowing how challenging it might be to go into the process with another professional in the same field, I can say that I was very lucky to be coached by Marika. I was touched by her level of presence and gentleness in holding a space in the session, which encouraged me to have a true deep dive into my topics and feel supported.
Over the course of a couple of months, we went on a journey that brought me closer to myself, and in the end, gave me insight into how much I've progressed. My appreciation of this connection and process is even bigger considering these times that we're into which I can say are challenging.
Marika has an exceptional coaching approach and I'm deeply grateful that I had this opportunity to be coached by her.
It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Marika. She helped me to build confidence in addressing challenging situations at work by carefully navigating me towards the solutions. I really liked how with each session Marika was asking questions that were challenging but very helpful to identify my weak spots. Each session had a clear structure and was finished with identified action points for me to work on, which made the progress more efficient. Working through some challenges together with Marika has definitely, helped me to accelerate my career growth!
I had worked in my new job for almost half a year when I felt that I could use a coach's support. I had reached a point where I felt quite uncertain and could not manage all of the challenges coming my way. I got a lot of support from my coach with self analyses and with finding new solutions. I liked Marika's approach because she helped me focus on my strong sides and asked me thought-provoking questions. From our meetings, I got practical exercises that helped me approach things from a different angle in my daily work. Thanks to my coach, I could interpret challenging tasks more easily. Meetings with Marika helped me grow and be successful in my new position.
The biggest value for me during meetings with Marika was the possibility to stop everyday routine and stress. To give the time for myself to think about some important events at work.
Going through situations and he reflection and probably the most important thing agreed upon and dedicated time for reflection – is a great thing. Without these meetings is very difficult to dedicate time to myself, for my thoughts, situations, and ideas. I see it now that when our meetings have stopped – I dedicate less time to this kind of reflection. Even I know and have felt – how important and helpful this kind of time is.
I find that coaching is important for leaders so they can reach their full potential in their everyday jobs. Coaching has had a good effect on me since I have found more energy in myself. Partly because thanks to coaching I have managed to plan my time more usefully and found ways how to perform my tasks better. I have discovered my strengths and applied them to the maximum to lead the team while eliminating my weaknesses. I feel like I have developed as a leader, and this has been confirmed by my colleagues.
Coaching has given me the self-confidence and courage to realize my thoughts. I have begun to trust myself and what I do more. I know my thoughts and directions are correct, and I dare to bring them out and realize them. As a leader, I have become braver and I can analyze my work better, finding the right directions to solutions that lead to the achievement of my goals. I now pay more attention to identifying the concerns of my team and learn how to direct my people to find solutions and answers themselves. I have become more demanding and through it more determined to achieve my goals. Coaching gives me confidence that I am on the right path and doing the right thing. Helping me find solutions to my questions and bringing out what is hidden inside me.
If I sum up half a year, at the beginning we came to group coaching as one team, but with different goals. Being together as a united team our goals and expectations are clarified. Developing our team's work strategy and communicating the company's expectations have made us a strong team. Working in a fast-paced environment, it is hard to sit down with the whole team to reflect on what we have succeeded in, how we have reached our success, and what we could do differently. Group coaching allows you to reflect on these things and look at your work from a different perspective. It gives you a full picture of where your team is from an organizational perspective, what tasks we are doing, and where we are moving by fulfilling the company's strategic goals. After the group coaching, I see how my team works better for our common goals and does more things together. Our team has got additional desire to act. The team communicates with each other more, both about everyday work and their daily activities. The results have also gotten better. Now, not everyone is interested in how they are doing personally, but frequently I hear the question "how are we doing" considering different metrics. In my mind, group coaching is valuable for every team regardless of their field.
Coachingud andsid mulle väga-väga suurt toetust, usku endasse, uusi mõtteid ja jõudu edasi liikumiseks. Paljud küsimused, mis olid minu peas said vastuse ja kõige toredam on see, et oli tunne, et ma ise jõudsin paljude asjadeni, kuidas ja mida teha, et olla suurepärane juht. Selles on palju-palju suurem väärtus, kui ma näiteks osaleks mõnel juhtimiskoolitusel, kus sulle öeldakse ette, et „tee nii“. Marika on suurepärane coach, kes küsib nii häid küsimusi, paneb sind mõtlema ja rääkima, et kõva häälega rääkides ise leiad oma muredele lahenduse. Mulle meeldis, et meil oli määratletud konkreetne probleem, eesmärk ja kava, kuidas me liigume meie coachingu sessioonidega. Mulle kõik väga meeldis, kõik oli lihtne, arusaadav ja meeldiv. Kindlasti soovitan!
Mul on väga hea meel, et oma arengu teekonnal jõudsin läbi juhuse Marika juurde. Koostöö Marikaga andis mulle suurepärase võimaluse ja oskuse analüüsida ennast ning oma arengut varasemast erineval viisil. Marika lõi õhkkonna mis aitas ennast avada ning analüüsida erinevatest vaatenurkadest ning julguse proovida asju teisti võrreldes varasemaga. Koostöö Marikaga andis mulle energia suunata oma arengut nii inimese kui algaja juhina. Marika pakkus toetust ja juhendamist, mida olin vajanud. Võin julgelt öelda, et koostöö Marika oli minu jaoks elumuutev!
Meeskonnacoaching võimaldas meil parandada tiimi koostööd ning konkreetselt aru saada, mida me tiimina teeme, miks, kuidas ja milleks me kõike teeme.
Tänu coachingutele muutus tiimi dünaamika, paranes sünergia, juurde tuli positiivset energiat ja lahendustele orienteeritust. Tiimcoachingutes leidsime lahenduse paljudele väljakutselistele teemadele, sest coachi toel saime olukorra tükkideks võtta, läbi mõelda ning nii leidsime lahendused täiesti uue vaatenurga alt. Coaching on väga praktiline lähenemine ning aitab tiimi väga palju edasi.
Meie tiimil oli au teha koostööd Marikaga ja terve meeskonnaga läbida pooleaastane meeskonnacoachingute tsükkel. See oli tõesti parim aeg, kus koos terve tiimiga saime tõsta omavahelist usaldust, parandada vastutuse võtmist, õppida ennast kõrvalt vaatama, läbi selle eneseanalüüsi ja järeldusi tegema. Tänu Marika kõrge kompetentsusele, kes coachina on alati väga intelligentne ja professionaalne, ei andnud vastuseid ette, saime uuesti aru, et oleme tugev meeskond, kes on alati võimeline protsessi käigus ise sobivaid lahendusi ja vastused leidma. Väga paljud teemad said seose ja järjestuse. Leidsime uue motivatsiooni tegutsemiseks, teadvustasime oma ressursse ja leidsime võimalusi, kuidas kogu oma võimekus ja potentsiaal uutmoodi kasutusele võtta.